Wednesday, March 7, 2012

cockroaches, cold showers and burning trash

Cold showers aren't bad when its hot as hell, and the cockroaches keep
to themselves. Here they deal with they're trash by burning it in
random piles usually early in the morning. Its odd if you wake up
early for some fresh air but instead you are surrounded by tiny smoke
and a haze of something you dont want to think about. Then a big ugly
cow comes to chomp on on whats left of the rubble.
They have had a hindu festival called Holi going on for the last few days. Other than drums and parades and
throwing colors, it also involves enormous amounts of fireworks at any
hour, random street closures, and not serving alcohol. Yesterday i was
sitting having some coffee in the morning with my back to the street,
and someone set off a 20 second string of large firecrackers right
behind me. Something like "the best part of waking up..." popped into
my head.

I am leaving for Hampi today with a guy and girl from Germany. Its a
nine hour bus ride through the night, we get in at 7am the morning to
start looking for a place to stay.

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